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Fragmental Continuity

Fragmental Continuity


  • Fragmental Continuity

    My urban investigation is about fragment and continuity, and gives architectural response through distinct surfaces as spatial device.

    Developed from systematic analysis and literally reading of the site, surface turned out to be the tectonic to capture the ghost of the area. Exerting surface, form and program are fragmented through and reorganized hierarchically.

    The design consists of four parts, includng the west wing commercial area, four tentacles linking two areas beside the highway for cooperation working space and caltrain station, apartment tower on the west wing site to enjoy the sea view and create landmarkship and one public gallery with platform as public plaza and ground floor as exhibition space.

    The overall shape of all the tentacles, apartment tower and commercial space follow the same outlining inspired by viewpoint representation of the site. Continuously the outlining start from the east point of the architecture to the west, indicating the project's aim to connect the areas cut by the freeway.

    Through architecture, surface plays its role in both plan and section. In plan the architecture of the poche works both structurally to hold all thin floor and roof sheets and spatially to create multiple surfaces to strengthen spatial tension. In section the thin sheets make the space light and transparent, with white materiality it balances the urban context atmosphere with all the heavy warehouses around.

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